Friday, May 27, 2011

saying goodbye

One of the hardest rituals of a military Wife is .. saying goodbye. I have done it so many times , you would think I am a pro. but no matter how many times you watch them Walk away , fly away , float away . or even drive it never gets easier.
On  25th of May My husband left for his fourth tour of duty to Iraq. I stood there at 7 am , being up all night , and watched him Board a bus that would take him to the C130 that would be his flying home for the next three days.
My oldest daughter , Lilla, 22 months old, Didn't understand what was going on , till the doors closed. and then she LOST it. I Cried so hard just holding her back. she is still pouting about it. anyone who tells me shes to young to be this mad , hasn't met a military brat. she knows.

He Is one of the strongest people I know. and I can not imagin how it feels to see your child at 2 months old then come back when she is almost 7 months.
We have 135 days or so before daddy comes home. And it is along count down.
Its offical , the adventures of The Single Married mom Begin today .I can promis i wont leave out anything:)
wish me Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Teresa! It'll fly by (maybe...)...come visit me!!!!
