Monday, May 16, 2011

Berry picking

Ah getting up with the crack of dawn , Two babies in tow we drove 45 minutes out to the farms! I love the drive . some pretty wild country !  I love Being out and about . We went to get strawberrys at Brookdale farm , Well should have checked their facebook page . THEY were closed.

So we re-grouped and had pizza . After that we drove up the road and found a new farm! There is nothing like a fresh picked strawberry . One bucket full and we got back underway .
with one screaming toddler because she wasnt aloud to pick and eat , and one mini monster because she wanted to be held!

Key to succsessfull Deployments is to enjoy every minute you have together. 9 days till He leaves so we are filling up a summer of memories in one weeks!


  1. The font is really hard for me to read :( I had to highlight to read it.

    Wanna share links? I havent updated my site in a while but it's

    I will keep updated :)

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