Friday, May 27, 2011

saying goodbye

One of the hardest rituals of a military Wife is .. saying goodbye. I have done it so many times , you would think I am a pro. but no matter how many times you watch them Walk away , fly away , float away . or even drive it never gets easier.
On  25th of May My husband left for his fourth tour of duty to Iraq. I stood there at 7 am , being up all night , and watched him Board a bus that would take him to the C130 that would be his flying home for the next three days.
My oldest daughter , Lilla, 22 months old, Didn't understand what was going on , till the doors closed. and then she LOST it. I Cried so hard just holding her back. she is still pouting about it. anyone who tells me shes to young to be this mad , hasn't met a military brat. she knows.

He Is one of the strongest people I know. and I can not imagin how it feels to see your child at 2 months old then come back when she is almost 7 months.
We have 135 days or so before daddy comes home. And it is along count down.
Its offical , the adventures of The Single Married mom Begin today .I can promis i wont leave out anything:)
wish me Luck!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Tonights adventure is going to be intresting.  For the first time in a while hubby and i are going to go to dinner . Were Leaving our Monsters with a monster rangler! Shes bringing her Monster over and going to let them have run of the house.
Leaving My Youngest baby who is only 8 weeks is going to be intresting. She is a booby baby! I will update you on the events as the follow!

Only 4 days left till the Adventure of The Single Married mom truelly begins.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Adventures in the mall...

When venturing out with two small children in tow, you should always pack your emergency .. EVERYTHING. Inevitably you will end up in a frantic search for something.
Case in point . todays Adventure.

I have a lovely friend who has three small monsters of her own. Her oldest is attending Monster school, where they teach you all kinds of lovely things. such as how to back talk to mommie! and her younger two offten in tow over to my place or out to play .
Today the weather being somewhat wet and drerie .. We excaped to the mall play ground. A haven of snotty nosed childen with ever distracted parents. And the ability to let your children run free till they exhaust them selves and sleep .
We being the owners of monsters agreed , We need to let the monsters run free! After a a short play we were all asked to leave.. why you might ask . Because there was evil .. Icky .. down right gross BLOOD!
What what what you say ! Well My dear friends middle monster , she fell and scraped a knee. After ccleaning it up and sending her off , to once again , run her monster self into a very needed nap . We discovered it was still bleeding. poor Monster. She got Blood on the  play place , so they had to sanatize it . Needles to say We had to leave. and laughed all the way home.
Todays emergency ..A much needed good time and a good Laugh some mothers of monsters take things to seriously.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Berry picking

Ah getting up with the crack of dawn , Two babies in tow we drove 45 minutes out to the farms! I love the drive . some pretty wild country !  I love Being out and about . We went to get strawberrys at Brookdale farm , Well should have checked their facebook page . THEY were closed.

So we re-grouped and had pizza . After that we drove up the road and found a new farm! There is nothing like a fresh picked strawberry . One bucket full and we got back underway .
with one screaming toddler because she wasnt aloud to pick and eat , and one mini monster because she wanted to be held!

Key to succsessfull Deployments is to enjoy every minute you have together. 9 days till He leaves so we are filling up a summer of memories in one weeks!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

what what what ?

What is the single married mom? She is a woman , who yet married is single alot. Either because her husband is deployed or .. Well just not there.
I am a single married mom . I have two Lovely little monsters , I affectionetly call my children . Lilla , 21 Months, and Arabella, who is 7 weeks.
My husband and I are playing Navy . I say playing because it really is an intresting Life plan . We Got married joined and thought " Well I will give this 4 years." 8 years later we are still in .
I have been threw so many deloyments i couldnt tell you how many!
Im Starting this Blog To cronical the next five months and beyond . as I embark on my Adventeurs as A single Married mom of Two .
Wish me luck! He leaves in 10 days ...